5 Ways to Improve Warehouse Safety


Warehouse safety must be the number one priority for any company. It is essential for minimizing employee and visitor injury, protecting financial resources, and optimizing productivity. Below are five warehouse management safety tips.

1. Immediately clean workplace hazards
Hazards increase the health risks of warehouse occupants. Managers and staff must be keenly aware of impending disaster throughout working hours. As soon as someone spills a beverage, or tips over a package containing hazardous materials, clean it up. Unsafe floor conditions increase the chances of tripping, slipping, and falling. If an employee becomes injured, it can result in injury claims being submitted to OSHA. Liquid spilled on equipment can hinder the machine’s operations and lower warehouse productivity.

2. Inspect Prior to Using
An ideal way to improve warehouse safety is by thoroughly inspecting everything before usage. This includes equipment, tools, safety goggles, gloves, ladders, and racking systems. Anything, not in good working condition needs to not be used, discarded, or immediately repaired. To aid the process, keep a written maintenance log of any repairs and inspections. Keep equipment properly maintained according to manufacturer instructions to improve its safety. Continually update the log to provide an up-to-date picture of all items.

3. Use warning signs
Warning signs inform others about impending hazards. Whether for the short-term or long-term use, occupants must be notified to protect everyone involved. Door front signs can inform others about special rooms that are off limits to others. Rooms that require special access permission could include the electrical, equipment, storage, or inventory rooms.

Placing signs throughout the warehouse to warn others can come in handy for machine usage, height or weight limitations, no smoking, no drinking, hazardous material usage, or other similar events. Check with OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, requirements for sign placement and usage.

A number of professional sign manufacturing companies exist to help firms with specific needs. Keeping a stash of appropriate warning signs available in an easy-to-find area can be one of the best decisions a firm makes for safety purposes.

4. Use good lighting
Lighting improves warehouse safety levels. It makes finding items easier and more comfortable for all involved. Good lighting also reduces worker discomfort by reducing eye glare, strain, and other physical ailments that can lead to impaired functioning. Good lighting can protect a company from having workers file unsafe working condition claims. Be sure to have proper overhead, entrance and exit, and individual workstation lighting to protect everyone involved.

5. Train staff
The safety of a warehouse depends upon the competence of the workers. Be sure any employees using warehouse equipment, like forklifts, are properly trained and certified. Train staff to check the safety checklist on the racking system or other item before using. Racking system damage can lead into thousands of dollars worth of damage. Checklists ensure safety measures are being met. Hold regular meetings emphasizing the importance of warehouse safety and how it can benefit the workers and company.

Warehouse safety is the determining factor whether a company meets company goals and objectives or whether it faces financial ruin. The decision is up to the firm’s management and the importance placed on overall safety. Learn as much as possible about this subject area to protect all involved.
